Wednesday, June 4, 2008


In 1999 I, I had just started studying and looking into graphic design and I had friend that I had taken high school art courses with his name was Mallie (Michael) Mickens and he was already doing professional work at the time he had a pretty nice collection of graphic design books.  
There was a book in particular that I was looking through it was called Pictoplasma and it had a yellow cover.  There were many fascinating works of art in this book but the artwork that stood out the most to me was that of a Grafitti Crew out of Paris, France that went by the name 123Klan. I fell in love with their Hip-Hop Grafitti Style and I loved the fact that they were grafitti artists who actually converted some of their works of art in vector art on the computer. I have been following their work since 1999 and I have continued to check out new things they have created.  They've  done work for a ton of big name companies (FUSE, NIKE, SONY & many more) and have totally maintained their integrity.  Honestly, that's where I plan to be in the near future. Feel free to checkout their website and Big-Ups to Scien and Klor for giving me inspiration.  Also Big-Ups to J.A.M.E.S. WATTS  for giving me the idea to do the Art Vs. Music Series on my PAROD-DAYS OF MY LIFE.

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